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What's On Your Mind?

There is a strong school of thought in the physiological world of science that you can think yourself into any mental state, barring significant chemical imbalances in the brain. For instance, you can think yourself into a depression, and you can think yourself out. You can think yourself into happiness, and you can think yourself out. This is a biblical concept.

God says your mind is transformed in Him. This means the way we take information, process it, and act on it changes when we are in Him. How do you ask? By the power of His living and active Word. It is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Word is meant to delve deep into us and create a change. This is why you cannot be a Christian unless a transformation occurs. Getting wet is not enough. Saying the right words doesn’t cut it. It has to be a true self-denial, self-sacrifice, and following of Christ. For it to be true, it must originate from within. For out of what resides deep in us springs forth our thoughts, desires, and actions.

This also means that you have power over your mind. You can control what you think about. You are not the sum of collected intrusive thoughts. You are also not those intrusive thoughts.

Have you ever thought about how wild or off-the-wall a dream can be? That is, your mind actively throws thoughts and images together without your oversight. It is like a toddler in a room full of toys unsupervised. You discipline it every day from when you wake up until you rest again so you can function and complete tasks. You are not the sum of its uncontrolled chaos and intrusive thoughts. You can control what your mind does, thinks on, and meditates on.

There is a question. What is on your mind? Whatever fills that quiet space with noise is what is driving you. For example, consider that worry or anxiety is what is on your mind. It will affect your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical state. In that case, if it is about work, money, kids, family, friends, or anything else that is what you will be about. I hope you see the importance of what you let captivate your mind. If left unchecked, something will fill that space; who knows what will be formulated? Then, who knows what will come out in action and deed? If it is not God, then you will not have godly results in your life. What is on your mind?

-Steve Johnson



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