“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
As Christians, we often think what we do must be big things, earth-shattering works, and magnificent events. The Good Samaritan did a big thing; no one mentioned an earthquake. Dorcas did a big thing, but still no mention of a great fire. Timothy did incredible work; again, there was no mention of a hurricane. The road to success and greatness is paved with little things done right. We want it to be the massive feats of human strength and courage that drive us to the pinnacle of our faith. That’s what we want. God, on the other hand, sees it differently.

The road to a successful faith in Christ is a road where every brick is placed with care, love, and service. We pursue excellence in everything that we do. We want to be great in the kingdom of God. Everyone does. Jesus says that to achieve this, we need to be servants. A servant is a quiet, hardworking, and devoted person. Jesus did a lot quietly long before he did such a bold and loud act as raising from the dead after His cruel death on Calvary. Even then, he was silent, only speaking words of kindness and love during His crucifixion.
The earth-shattering, history-making event of His death, for mankind, was just a continuance of His simple faithful acts of service.
Those small acts don’t make boisterous waves in the ocean. However, they make constant ripples in the pond. Those ripples keep life moving forward and death at bay for those living in its effects. This is because, as servants of God, we serve everyone, everywhere, every time. That means we quietly serve everyone, even the unserviceable, undeserving, uncaring, and undesirable. It doesn’t bring down buildings, change governments, or even end wars. It does change hearts and minds, not just those we serve but also those who witness the service.
When enough ripples happen, waves begin, and when enough moves, Tsunamis happen. If enough tiny seeds are planted, a crop rises forth. When enough saplings are planted, a forest is born. It’s the small, quiet work of service that, with steadfastness, causes earth-shattering things to happen. Be about the quiet work. When your faith is at its pinnacle, you will see the earth-shattering effects of your faith on the hearts and minds around you.
-Steve Johnson