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Lifelong Learning

Learning is the process of acquiring new information, knowledge, experiences, skills, behaviors and/or values. Learning is a natural and necessary process. When we’re young, learning comes easily, but continuous learning becomes more difficult to sustain with age. Note some thoughts.

Learning is good for your brain. Just like doing push-ups exercises your physical muscles, learning exercises your brain and it can even make you mentally tired. However, the more you use your brain for learning the better and stronger it becomes.

A neurological study showed that adults who continued learning were less likely to show cognitive decline or markers of Alzheimer disease.

Continued learning contributes to the healthy “neuroplasticity” of the brain. This renewal enhances the ability of the brain to learn, increases existing cognitive abilities and can strengthen areas where mental functioning has been lost or is in decline.

A psychology study showed that active learners were less likely to experience stress, negative emotions and burnout.

If continued learning results in such important mental benefits why don’t people naturally engage in more learning?

Learning takes effort. Hearing takes very little effort but analyzing and remembering takes effort. Just like staying physically fit takes work, staying mentally fit also takes determined mental effort.

Learning makes some people feel “dumb” while they are learning something new. Trying to get a handle on anything new can be challenging. Some people grow discouraged and are so uncomfortable with learning that they actively avoid it.

Determine in your heart to never quit learning about God and the scriptures.

“An intelligent mind acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” (Prov. 18:15 RSV)

“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning.” (Prov 9:9 RSV)

- Tim Orbison



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