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A Secret Enemy

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” (James 1:2-4)

We can never seem to catch a break. There is always something in this world that is going to threaten our faith. One thing we don't often consider is comfort. Comfort is one of those things that happens over time and grows on us. The struggle is that it makes us where we don't want to act and do. We grow lazy.

Faith is produced in the trenches, not on the couches. That is why it's our enemy. When we grow comfortable with sitting still, we are growing comfortable with dying. None of us want to die spiritually. Faith is seen and proven by your works. Your actions are the fruits of what lies within you. If your faith is you spiritually sitting in your easy chair with your feet kicked up, what is that the fruit of? If you never exercise your faith, how can it grow?

Faith was never meant to be stagnant. Faith, by definition, is action. Remember, faith equals active obedience to God. Do yourself a favor, check yourself and make sure you are not too comfortable with where you are. Action is not always easy or comfortable. That is where we have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

We have to grow accustomed to change and growth in our lives, if we are to belong to Christ. God called us to action.

Maybe the most dangerous thing about “couch potato faith” is, when the wolves come to the door, you are not ready. You can't withstand the world and its ways. You cannot fight back. You don't have your armor ready, the sword sharpened, and your feet shod. It is better to be prepared and not need to go to war than not be prepared and war come to your door. Church, we are in a spiritual war everyday of our lives. At the very least, it is just fought on your own home front in your own life. However, it's always there. We are called to both fight and be prepared.

The best part of it all is, if you act, you grow. If you grow, you are strengthened. If you are strengthened, the easier it becomes. The easier it becomes, the more you can do for others. No matter what, in Christ, we can't lose. No matter what, if you act in your faith, you will grow. No matter what, if you become a couch potato Christian, having grown comfortable in your own faith, you become stagnant. No matter what, if you become stagnant in your faith you will die.

- Steve Johnson


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