Our Ministies
Maysville makes a special effort to serve each other's needs as well as those in the community with whom we come in contact. Below are a sample of the ministries you will find actively involving the members of our congregation.

Benevolence Ministry
The Maysville congregation is continually involved in benevolence activities here in our local community.
Our pantry is stocked with non-perishable food items with which we feed families who are in need.
Special funds exist which assists people who are involved in natural disasters.
Our teens are involved in a bi-annual mission trip for a week during the summer in which they assist families and churches who are in need.
We support through financial contributions the Childhaven © Mission which cares for orphaned or neglected children by providing for their physical and emotional needs.
Agape of North Alabama is also supported by a financial contribution. Agape is an organization which provides foster care, adoption services, and counseling.

Bible Study
Bible study classes for all age groups are offered on Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Several adult classes are offered on both Sunday morning and Wednesday event, providing for a wide range of Bible topics to study each quarter.
Specialized Classes
• On Sunday mornings, a Bible class is provided which is devoted entirely to the ladies of the congregation taught and attended by the ladies of the congregation and studies aimed specifically at ladies living a Christian life.
• On Sunday evenings, a tailored Bible study and devo is offered for elementary school aged children which involves singing songs, Bible readings, and puppet skits based upon Biblical principles and stories.
• On Wednesday evenings, the college age and young marrieds have their own Bible class which discusses topics specific to their lives as young adults.
• We also provide a one-on-one personalized Bible study for those who wish to learn what the Bible instructs us concerning how to become a Christian or who would like to learn more about how to be a New Testament church.

Children's Ministry
Bible study classes for all children's age groups is offered on Sunday morning and Wednesday night covering various topics each quarter. These classes are taught by knowledgeable and caring teachers.
On Sunday evening, a tailored Bible study and devotional is provided for elementary school aged children which involves singing songs, Bible readings, and puppet skits based upon Biblical principles and stories.

College and Young Married's
The college aged and young married couples class provides an outlet through which people who have reached these milestones in their lives may fellowship, share experiences, and encourage one another.
This group plans regular activities together as well as their own Wednesday evening Bible class aimed towards addressing topics of particular interest based upon their current position in life.

Fellowship Meals
One activity we as a congregation engage in is our monthly fellowship meal. The fellowship meal is a time we can all spend a couple of hours together as a congregation in a relaxed atmosphere enjoying a delicious potluck meal together. Our meal is scheduled for the last Sunday evening of each month following the evening worship. The meal is not just for members - our guests are also invited to stay and be our guests and enjoy the fellowship of eating a good meal and meeting the members of the congregation as well as allowing the congregation to spend time getting to know our visitors better.

Ladie's Ministry
Ladies' Helping Hands
Assists families in need when a lady's touch is needed, such as assisting other ladies, cooking for families in need, giving specialized gifts, and making gift baskets.
The Mustard Seeds
Crochet, knit, sew, and make items with their own hands to give as gifts to those who are in need of special attention or who are experiencing a special occasion.
Ladies' Retreat
Is an annual outing over a long weekend where the ladies enjoy Bible study, shopping, relaxing, and fellowship in a beautiful nature setting such as Gatlinburg or a retreat in a mountain cabin.
Secret Pals
Is a fun way for ladies to exchange gifts with other ladies of the congregation such that the gift receiver does not know who is giving the gift until the end of the quarter at which time the secret pals are revealed.
Sunday morning Bible class
For ladies only is offered which is taught by Christian ladies where ladies' may study and discuss ladies' topics in a Biblical setting.

Our mission at Maysville Church of Christ is to spread the Word of God to a lost and dying world.
"You are the light of the world, A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. (Matthew 5:14)
"Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20)
Our goal is to show the inmates of the Madison Co. jail that they have love and hope in Jesus Christ. Through teaching the gospel they come to know - in Jesus they can be transformed and live an abundant life in Him now and in eternity.
Teaching the gospel 3 days a week.
10 women at Maysville, write approximately 60-70 cards a week to the inmates in the jail, inmates transferred to prison, and women who have relocated to drug or rehabilitation programs. This work involves buying 2,500 cards yearly and stamps.
One of our members puts together toiletry boxes for released women leaving jail who have nothing on the outside. Each box cost approximately $50.
Another local church of Christ has acquired a halfway house and one of the members at the Maysville church of Christ is the director. This house is used to give a person 6 months to save their money and get on their feet. During their time at the house there are bible studies, addiction classes, and finical counselling.
There are generally 120-145 in women's population at the jail daily. In November we give thermal shirts to all the women for warmth. The temperature in the jail is kept low for bacterial purposes.
In some cases money is used to help released inmates move back into the world. The circumstances are:
1) IDs - driver's license, birth certificates - ID is needed to obtain jobs and food stamps to get back on their feet.
2) Clothing for those who literally have nothing
3) Food
4) Gas to go to work in the beginning

Lads To Leaders / Leaderettes Ministry
Lads To Leaders / Leaderettes is an annual event where young people both male and female sharpen their Bible and leadership skills. It is one of the major youth events attended by youth and supporting adults alike. Click on the Youth link to learn more about this program.

You don't have to teach them to be leaders in the church.
Their experience in L2L will make them want to be.

Prime Timers
The name, Prime Timers, is applied to all our senior members when they get together for functions of various kinds. Our seasoned members at Maysville are involved and active. They enjoy fellowship with one another on a regular basis. Regularly scheduled activities include both local gatherings as well as out of town trips. The church vans are available to us for traveling to our favorite out of town restaurants and tourist location, including overnight trips.
This is not an exclusive group. Any member of the congregation is welcome to attend any function. Generally, 55+ is considered in this group. If you are younger than 55 and want to participate with this group, you are welcome to do so!

Pre-Teen's Ministry
Our pre-teens group consist of 3rd - 6th graders. At this age, the kids aren't able to go on extended trips as the teenagers. However, they do have their own activities.
Although they do have the opportunity to go on a couple of field trips as a group during the year, their main focus is their Sunday evening devotional and fellowship which is chaperoned by parents and led by our youth director. The devo takes place on the second Sunday evening of each month following our evening worship. At this event, they are led in a devotional, and then enjoy games and snacks.

Youth Ministry
Maysville has an exceptional teen youth program. From learning God's word through worship, devos, camps and service projects to being socially active through camps, road trips and frequent local outings, the youth at Maysville stay busy and active. Other activities include monthly devotionals, youth rallies, and informal spur-of-the-moment activities.
D e v o t i o n a l s
Teens - Twice per month
Pre-Teens - Once per month
Snacks and games
Taco Tuesday's during summer
Praise in the Pavilion
Soup ‘n Singing
R o a d T r i p s
Youth Rallies
- Challenge Youth Conference (CYC)
- Pigeon Forge, TN -
- Lads to Leaders
- Nashville, TN
C a m p s
R.U.S.H. at Freed-Hardeman University
North Carolina backwoods
L o c a l O u t i n g s
Egg Hunt (PreTeen)
Fall Festival (PreTeen)
Breakfast with Santa (PreTeen)
Lake Day
Valentine’s Dinner for the Prime Timers
Movie Theater
Game Nights
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party
New Year’s Eve Bash

CIA Ministry (Christians in Action)
The CIA group at Maysville is made up of various individuals that range from teens to people in their mid 20's all the way to 50+. We get together at least twice a month for bible study and to plan out different activities that would help to benefit others.
Hospital Bag Drop
Making up gift bags of goodies like snacks, water, magazines, Kleenex, etc to bring and hand out to people waiting on their loved ones in the hospital.
Cookie Drop
Baking cookies, getting together to assemble the bags of cookies, and then going out and delivering them to our widows and members that are sick.
Widow's Dinner
Cooking dinner or lunch, and inviting all of our widows to come and enjoy a nice warm meal without having to do anything. We serve it all to them just the way they want it.
Homeless Bucket Drop
We gather various supplies, depending upon the time of year, and put everything in a 5 gallon bucket to go and deliver them to the various homeless camps here in Huntsville. Sometimes we just take a grill and food out there and cook for them too.